Revised 9/22/24

When ordering art from me, you are agreeing to my Terms of Service (TOS) whether you've read them or not, so it is in your best interest to.To order or ask relevant questions, DM me on Discord for the fastest reply. Other socials include:Discord: Coffeebara_
Toyhou.se: Coffeebara
DeviantART: oCoffeebara
Sheezy.art: Buck

GENERAL:I am always available for quotes via DMs. Base prices for Cinna customs can be found on Trello. Prices for regular commissions are typically case-by-case, and they are based both the complexity and size of the desired piece. You will have to ask for a quote to get a price estimate on non-Cinna art!I have the right to decline, refuse to finish, or charge extra for a commission if necessary. I also have the right to put commissions on hold. If cancellation or delay occurs, I may be able to offer a partial refund.
(For more on refunds, see “REFUNDS”.)
I send WIP screenshots at the sketching and lining stages, so you get a minimum of two. You may ask for more! I might send additional WIPs throughout the project if I’m having a tough time with something.
If you have not received any WIPs, I have not started.
I work overnight in a doughnut shop (~12-10 AM EST). As such, I do not recommend ordering from me if you are uncomfortable with long wait times (3+ months).
This wait is not necessarily guaranteed, as I do try my best to finish sooner, but this year I've had to come to terms with how hard it is to fit art into my schedule. Should things ever change in the future, this TOS will be updated to reflect that change.

When buying a design from me, whether it be CS or one-off, a custom or through resale, all I ask is that I maintain artist credit. Toyhou.se has this built in, so it shouldn't be a problem.I do not believe in wildly restrictive artist TOS that allow you to revoke designs, limit someone's buy/sell/trade activity, etc. Once you own my design, it is yours to use (non-commercially). You can do whatever you want with them. For CS, please be sure to check any relevant species' TOS as well, and please default to their rules when applicable.I am okay with hue/brightness shifts without asking for my
If you want to edit the lineart, individual markings, etc., please ask me first.

My queue is public and busted up into three different boards on Trello. The status of your commissions, as well as any WIPs, design notes, and artist comments, should all be found on one of these boards. If for whatever reason your order is missing from its respective board, please don’t hesitate to let me know! I may have simply forgotten.My Trello boards are:
Cinna Customs + Commissions
Pokemon Commissions
Asking for updates on your order is fine! All I ask is that you make sure that you’ve checked any and all relevant Trello boards before coming to me.If I am prodded enough times about a WIP commission (like, 5+ times) I will definitely be uncomfortable with you at that point, and as such I may turn you away and/or offer a partial refund. (For more on refunds, see "REFUNDS".)
I will almost always take payment beforehand. If for whatever reason I don't, your order is not guaranteed until I receive payment and may be cancelled at any time.I accept USD via PayPal, Cashapp, or Venmo.Depending on the circumstances I may be willing to do short payment plans. Please mention this when ordering / getting a quote.Do not expect me to lower the price of your commission just because you think it's too expensive.I will occasionally offer discounted commissions/customs! Keep an eye out on Discord.I may also do discounts for bulk orders, but due to past experiences with bulk orders I'm not likely to take them at all. I’d like to think I know myself better at this point, LOL.I accept and greatly appreciate tips!
I reserve the right to do personal art and gift art, even when my queue is deemed full / commissions are closed / etc. I originally thought this went without saying, but I’ve decided to add it to my TOS. My to-do list should not dictate what I am and am not allowed to draw.
I have had a few people over the years offer to help me finish my queue, and while I appreciate the sentiment, I prefer that art that was already paid for be one-hundred percent my own.
You may request a refund at any point during your order, however the status of your order may dictate the amount refundable. Orders that have not been started are eligible for full refunds, whereas orders that are In Progress may not be. This will be case-by-case.Tips are not refundable. If you paid more than the price I confirmed with you when ordering, the excess will be considered a tip.Please keep in mind that money is a liquid asset. I will likely not be able to refund you as soon as you request one. Life happens, I am human, and expenses are unpredictable. I will get you the money when I am able to do so. Thank you for understanding.If I am prodded about a refund too frequently, I may refuse it outright. I certainly don’t expect this to happen. You will know if you are pushing my buttons, LOL.